Friday, December 30, 2016

Lirik Vita Alvia ft Mahesa - Manis Tebu

Lirik Lagu "Manis Tebu" - Vita Alvia ft Mahesa

kadung disawang nono kesele
ombak segoro uber uberan
semono ugo welas nong riko
sing ono leren lerene

sing siji uwong ngomonge podo
manis tebu mulo kawitane
sun sing kepingin arep mbaleni
cerito hang tau ono

kadung osing percoyo paran hang sun roso
bedelen dodo lan atinisun yoro
riko hang sung angeni sun pujo pujo
hang biso gawe ati iki tentrem

isun bengen ngeloro sing gampang percoyo
omong kosong hang sing ono nyatane
sing usah akeh janji manis ring lambe
isun mung butuh bukti hang nyoto ono

Repeat [1][2][3][4],[3][4]

Video: Vita Alvia ft Mahesa - Manis Tebu

****Disclaimer: Music video and lyrics of the song Vita Alvia ft Mahesa - Manis Tebu provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. 

Entire media, including the lyrics of the song and video clip Vita Alvia ft Mahesa - Manis Tebu is available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes. We also do not provide MP3 files on our server.

If you like the song Lirik Lagu Vita Alvia ft Mahesa - Manis Tebu lyrics and the video clips, buy a cassette / CD / DVD, mp3 karaoke or code personal dial tone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist.****

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